Monday, July 31, 2006

My weekend was o-kay. :) Can't complain, just laid around the house dreaming about this that came in the mail, teasing me. Oh how I love Ikea. I have my booked all filled with sticky notes with things I *really* want (need!).

Amber's first day at school was great. She came off the bus all excited on Friday and said "Mama I made 6 new friends!". She was so happy as I was too. She told me her teacher even lets them chew gum quietly in the class. Now that is a good teacher..haha. :) Hopefully today will be good for her as well. She should start in her Qwest class this week, this is a gifted program in case you were wondering. She has been in the program for three years now. She is almost too smart for her own good.

I hope you all have a good week. Will write more later.



foodiechickie said...

I got the Ikea catalog in the mail too! I heart Ikea!!!!!

Glad your daugther had a great first day of school!

Amanda said...

I like the new look Amanda. Love the Ikea catalog!

Amanda said...

Thanks everyone.

Vee said...

i love IKEA!!