Many have asked why change well I wanted something different, and I love this layout. I want to be able to speak my mind freely and without judgement too. If I want to whine I shall whine. LOL. Alot of my coworkers and family had found my blog so I decided to make a new one. I am still working on it so please bare with my mess but aren't the colors so awesome! I love em! :)
My week has been pretty busy so far. Alot of paper to push at work this week especially since I just did the mid month count on yesterday. Alot of the docs came in and signed so I will be keeping busy.
We are all doing pretty good at home. Lynn though has had some back trouble. Say a prayer for him as he goes back to the doctor on tomorrow. His xray report says he has rotosclerosis so we aren't too sure about that. Wish him luck. He has some good muscle relaxers and pain meds to help him. :) Men are such babies sometimes. hehe.
Amber is great, she is SOOO ready for school to start back. She wants to meet her new teacher and make new friendships. I think she is a little anxious about it too. But I know she will be fine. Just gotta finish up shopping for her next week. She just needs a few more uniform pieces, new shoes (white only) and a back pack and then she is off to school. My baby is going to be a 4th grader :( where does the time go?!
This week I am trying to work on a few cards for friends and also working on a few layouts of Amber's birthday. I still have some film in my camera to use up so I will do that next week. Gotta take some pictures of my little girl in her uniform on her first day of school. :) I am such a goofy mom. LOL.
Hope you all have a good week!