Wednesday, July 26, 2006


That is one thing done on my list to do. Here is the rest of my list:

  • 7/27 Open House at school 1-3
  • Buy bookbag
  • Buy another pair of uniform pants/shorts
  • Send back uniform pants (3 pr) that didn't fit
  • 7/28 School starts, take Amber on her first day :)

Today was a mad house at the middle school I went to register her. I said it feels like I am buying a house with all the paper work I had. I feel alot of it I could of filled out on open house day for the school. I mean I was only transferring Amber to a new school. But they had cops there directing traffic. One of the teachers said they had a 2-3 hour long wait yesterday. :O

But that ugly part is over and done. And now we can enjoy open house tomorrow. I am getting off work at 12pm. Amber and I will enjoy the day. Wish us luck that Amber gets a nice teacher, but strict enough and not one of those teachers who hate working. They totally put a bad name on teachers.

Happy Hump Day everyone!


Terri said...

I can't imagine the hastle. Up here if you move to a new district all you have to do is go to the district office to enroll your child and on the first day of school you send them off on their bus. No mass amounts of people at the schools a few days before school opens or anything. I'm holding good thoughts for you... I'm sure you'll get your list done though.

Melissa said...

hope everything goes smoothly with the start of the new school year. :) I remember what a hassle registration was when I was poor mother. lol

Terri said...

Hey... so how was the first day of school?