Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Do you ever...

feel like you are an outsider looking through a glass window on your family and life? I have been rather down lately so I think it is time to go and see my doc about changing my meds. I don't worry too much but I just have been feeling *off* but we have alot going on with our jobs. Alot bad and some good. But all in all things will be fine. So I am not sure when I will be posting again...but wanted to let my readers know that I am O-K.


foodiechickie said...

I hope you are ok! Thanks for letting us know. Drop me a line whenever.

Lisanne said...

I hope that you'll be OK, Amanda. If you need anything, drop me a line. Thanks for your snail mail! Holding good thoughts for you!

Shannon said...

I hope things get better for ya :)