Friday, September 22, 2006

Almost quitting time..

oh yeah! :D I am looking forward to a restful weekend. I am feeling pretty lousy lately. I think stress has gotten the best of me and I might be coming down with a cold. Blech. I will be resting this weekend but also have a few plans too.

Saturday- go through *gift closet* and make my Christmas list for family/friends, make a few Halloween cards, address Christmas cards (yes I am, mop, laundry, tidy up

Sunday- my nephew's birthday party at 1pm, finishing up Amber's Navajo indian model

So that is my weekend. Lynn has been working alot of overtime to help us get caught up with bills and also start on Christmas shopping soon. I just have to get a start on it then I will feel better.

So here's to hoping you all have a great nice weekend. Enjoy the first day of fall tomorrow!


Eddie said...

i forgot tomorrow is the first day of fall! isn't it awesome! last night i put up some of my fall/halloween decorations!

foodiechickie said...

Have a great weekend Amanda:) Sounds like good plans.

Terri said...

I grabbed a book for my sister for Christmas lastweekend... it's the first time I've ever stered shopping before December 1st!! It felt strange, but it also feels good to get a jump on the gifts. Have a great weekend!!

Lisanne said...

Good to see you posting again, Amanda! I hope that you feel better VERY soon. Addressing Christmas cards? You are *so* on the ball, woman! :)

Shannon said...

hope ya feel better soon... and that you had a nice weekend...